Every day, I remind myself that my choices right now will impact who I am at the end of my life and that our daily habits are the only thing we can control. No one talks about the long game—fascinated by quick fixes, we move through the motions, our visions blurred by mixed messages about health.
But if anything’s for sure, it’s that good things don’t happen overnight, and definitely not without intentional personal action. I’m here to guide you.
Are you ready to show up for yourself?
Let your inner beauty free. Browse natural, simple, and proven supplements, and chic TRU swag.
It’s time for you to look at your personal wellbeing differently. Individualized health coaching for awakened women.
Join me on a personal journey to self-love and holistic wellness as a means to age with grace. Real life stories, actionable tips, and digestible information documented on the blog.
"I went in thinking that wellness was all about what you eat, but through our sessions Amanda has shown me that wellness is a holistic approach to life. It encompasses everything... Our one-hour sessions fly by and I always feel ready to take on the next two weeks!... I am well on my way to meeting my goals and couldn't ask for a better coach."
"My coaching experience with Amanda has been life changing! I wouldn’t be where I am today without her assistance. Not only did she address my health issues, but helped me with some underlying personal issues as well. The last 6 months of my life have been transformative, and I’m so excited for my journey to continue."
"Amanda's coaching and encouragement have helped me so much to be my best self. I have been to many nutritionists over the years who really didn’t offer any good or solid advice. Amanda's informed, fact-based knowledge has been a game changer! You cannot put a price on your health! I encourage everyone to show your body love by taking care of it!"
"Since I started working with Amanda, I have lost over 25 pounds, and gained so much more LIFE! ...I have ditched old diet cultures (Atkins, Keto, etc.) for a lifestyle and sustainable way of eating that promotes longevity and prevents chronic illness... Working with her has been transformative on every level. The bottom line: I now feel like I am evolving, not aging."