Hi Beauty, are you feeling like you’re lacking that inner GLOW and radiating energy you seek? Feeling bloated, tired, or can’t get rid of that extra weight? Is your skin breaking out? You may want to consider incorporating some of our favorite TRU Wellness daily detox practices into your routine.
I struggled with my health, diet, and self-image for years. I bet you can relate:
If you nodded to any of the above, you’re not alone. As I said, I struggled for YEARS…
The first time I tried implementing a natural detox into my routine, I wasn’t sure what to expect. I was excited at the thought of feeling lighter, having more energy, and seeing the changes in my body, but I didn’t know what to expect and I didn’t want to be disappointed. I had struggled for so long and was desperate to find answers. I knew it wasn’t a quick fix, but I knew the change had to begin somewhere. After going through the process, the changes in my body were undeniable. I experienced more energy than I had in weeks, all my bloat was gone, and I was sleeping soundly.
Through my process, I realized that I could continue to support my body by implementing small practices as often as I possibly could and a few of them daily. When you turn detoxing into a daily practice and a lifestyle you’re supporting all of your body’s most powerful detoxification organs and gently cleansing your body regularly. You’re relieving your body of what it doesn’t want and giving it more of what it needs to support your immediate and long-term health.
It’s important to remember that you can put all the ‘good stuff’ into your body all day, but if you are not simultaneously working with your detox and elimination pathways to open them and clear them of toxins, the toxic residue remains within your body.
From environmental pollution to pesticide residues in food, there’s no shortage of reasons why the body may benefit from extra detoxification support. Most of us are equipped to eliminate toxins naturally, thanks to the skin, kidneys, liver, and gastrointestinal tract. However, efficient detoxification depends on several factors, including minimal exposure to toxins, a healthy gut microbiome, and the availability of nutritional compounds to help activate or inhibit important enzymes in the detoxification process.
Detoxification is the body’s process of changing fat-soluble toxins (including heavy metals, pesticides, and medications) into water-soluble compounds that can be eliminated from the body. This happens primarily in the liver. Detoxification also occurs in other areas of the body, including the gut, skin, and lungs.
This is an ongoing process in your body. Every day you are exposed to all kinds of toxins that need to be expelled from the body.
Are you ready for a reset?
You are born with all you need to detoxify. Your body is designed to cleanse itself of environmental and naturally occurring toxins via the liver, kidneys, lymph, and skin.
Detoxing your body means energizing your life. It’s about removing harmful materials just as much as replenishing with beneficial materials that support your overall health and well-being. It’s about looking within to gain greater awareness around your daily habits to make more conscious and informed decisions.
When you intentionally detox, it means ridding toxins that sneak into your body and build up over time to put your body back into a state of balance, so it can naturally support you in all areas of your life.
A Yale-educated physician and herbalist, Dr. Aviva Romm, notes, “We are simultaneously being overloaded by external toxins and under-supported by our diets because our diets are not balanced enough to keep our natural detox processes robust… The body’s natural detoxification system is powerful, but with chronic toxin exposure at sky-rocketing levels, it can easily become overwhelmed and under-functioning. Taking steps to reduce toxin exposures and providing extra detoxification support can make a world of difference.”
It’s the daily actions that lead to the best results.
When working with 1:1 clients, I often begin with an audit and detox of their lives and diets so we know not only where we’re starting, but immediately make progress by removing harmful products and foods. If we were to work together, your personalized plan would be customized to fit your needs, but we often cover the following areas within the TRU Detox Method.
You can start to do the same as well. Here are a few simple tips to implement daily detox into your routine…
1. Jumpstart your morning routine.
Start your morning by removing unwanted built-up toxins right when you wake up. Try adding these steps to your typical day!
2. Move your body.
Sweating and movement will help stimulate your lymphatic system and excrete toxins out of your body. Moving your body first thing in the morning has so many amazing benefits and helps release tension from your body and anytime you get the blood moving for 45 minutes or more, you are amping up a healthy metabolism rate that delivers for hours after.
Don’t have too much time? Any form of exercise is beneficial. Try a brisk walk, jump in place 100 times to stimulate your lymphatic system, or try an online workout.
3. Eat pretty foods!
Remove the foods that fail you. Incorporate foods that fuel you. Eating foods that support your body’s natural ability to detox is a great way to flush out toxins and start feeling better. Use food as your medicine to bring your body back to its natural, evened state. This includes organic, whole foods, and TONS of greens.
Plants naturally are full of phytochemicals that support the body’s natural detoxification process. Additionally, these plant foods are filled with water that will help hydrate you at a cellular level. Try snacking on cucumber, romaine lettuce, fresh berries, and melons all of which are over 90 percent water. Don’t forget to sneak in those greens.
4. Supplement as needed.
There are opportunities you can take each day to help your body naturally cleanse, calm, and thrive. Incorporating supplements is a great way to take your detox to the next level.
My Favorite TRU Wellness detox supplements are:
Want to take action now? Download The Daily Detox Guide: 7 Steps to Detox Your Life. This guide includes a detailed overview of the steps you should take to start detoxing your life, as well as reflection exercises to audit your current choices and a habit tracker to begin making progress. Happy detoxing!
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